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An "I Wonder" Child.

 I was an "I wonder" child, struck by all those things in which I could not understand, but had the inclination to know. Things like, 


"Grandpa, why is the sky blue?' Why does daddy live so far away and why do you always shut the door in my face? You ask too many questions," he would say. - "Go away."  


An "I wonder" child, that's what I was. I was happy to entertain my little wonders alone and all by myself.  It was in that place that my dreams could come to life and where I could pretend that everything was okay.  I didn't mind being alone in my play. It was there that I was well cherished and it became a place where my answers and thoughts were entertained.  


A good way to discover if someone will prove to be a successful student would be by asking, "What is it that you want to know? What can I teach you that you don't already understand? "My answer " – everything. I don't understand and I want to."  


Teach me. Teach me art, and painting, and song.  How about how to play the guitar with a left hand? Teach me how to write and get your attention from the very beginning without losing your enthusiasm. Teach me history so I can understand why the world is the way it is and why human nature tends to make the same mistakes over and over again. Idon'tunderstand why the decimal 3.14 equals pie and why on earth it plays a role in my life anyway. Can you explain?   


These are just a few of the questions I need you to help me answer. Does that not in fact show you a student who desires only to learn for an inner well-being rather than just a mere reach for a degree? It's just a piece of paper. But to me, that piece of paper is knowledge  - with all of the answers in which I have been asking since I was a little girl.  


Now I understand something I didn't know then..Knowledge is something I can gain, not only through experience but through the association of that experience. That's how I learn. My knowledge needs to be specific so that I can understand why it was created in the first place. Perhaps I have the answer, but I want to know why that is the question that goes with it.  I don't understand how it works, but I need to understand how it works so that the result makes more sense to me.  


In closure I would like to ask you, do you know anything about me yet? Is there something you understand or see here that I just can't seem to comprehend? Do you see me yet? Do you understand how I learn? Will you not teach me? Help me discover more about me, those things in which others can see, whether it be potential, or flaws thatI  have yet to understand or discover. Help me shine, in spite of my tragedy or unfortunate circumstances. Teach me all that I wish to know so that I can say, "Thank you. Thank you for teaching me and answering all of my "I wonders." 


"I wonder." it just doesn't work. I need the question too.  




Memory Ann Forwalt     [03/08/2016] 





(n.d.). Retrieved March 08, 2016, from wonder quote&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbvrW2l7LLAhVX0GMKHenRBTcQsAQIHA&biw=1280&bih=699#tbm=isch&q=dead dandelions&imgrc=5lbG8MsxF7H9JM:.



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